Non-discrimination Notice

Troy Medicare HMO complies with applicable Federal civil rights laws and does not discriminate based on race, color, national origin, age, disability, or sex (including pregnancy, sexual orientation, gender identity, and sex characteristics). 

Troy Medicare HMO does not exclude people or treat them differently because of race, color, national origin, age, disability, or sex (including pregnancy, sexual orientation, gender identity, and sex characteristics). 

Troy Medicare HMO: 

•  Provides free aids and services to people with disabilities to communicate effectively with us, such as: 

•  Qualified sign language interpreters 

•  Written information in other formats (large print, braille, accessible electronic formats) 

•  Provides free language services to people whose primary language is not English, such as: 

•  Qualified interpreters 

•  Information written in other languages 

If you need these services, contact Member Services at 1-888-494-TROY (8769) TTY:711.

If you believe that Troy Medicare HMO has failed to provide these services or discriminated in another way based on race, color, national origin, age, disability, or sex, you can file a grievance in person or by mail, fax, or email. If you need help filing a grievance, our Civil Rights Coordinator is available to help you. Troy Medicare’s Civil Rights Coordinator can be contacted by mail: 

Troy Medicare 

615 S College St, FL 9

Charlotte, NC 28202

You can also file a civil rights complaint with the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Office for Civil Rights electronically through the Office for Civil Rights Complaint Portal, available at, or by mail or phone at: U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, 200 Independence Avenue SW, Room 509F, HHH Building, Washington, DC 20201, 1-800-368-1019, 1-800-537-7697 (TDD).

Complaint forms are available at

English: We have free interpreterservices to answer any questions youmay have about our health or drug plan.  To get an interpreter, just call us at1- 888-494-TROY (8769) (TTY:711). Someone who speaks English/Language can help you. This is a free service.

Spanish: Tenemos servicios de intérprete sin costo alguno pararesponder cualquier pregunta que pueda tener sobrenuestro plan de salud o medicamentos. Para hablar con un intérprete, por favor llame al 1-888-494-TROY (8769)(TTY: 711). Alguien que hable español le podrá ayudar. Este es un serviciogratuito.

Chinese Mandarin: 我们提供免费的翻译服务,帮助您解答关于健康或药物保险的任何疑 问。如果您需要此翻译服务,请致电 1-888-494-TROY (8769) (TTY: 711) 。我们的中文工作人员很乐意帮助您。这是一项免费服务。

Chinese Cantonese:您對我們的健康或藥物保險可能存有疑問,為此我們提供免費的翻譯 服

務。如需翻譯服務,請致電1-888-494-TROY (8769) (TTY:711) 。我們講中文的人 員將樂意為您提供幫助。這 是一項免費服務。

Tagalog:Mayroon kaming libreng serbisyosa pagsasaling-wika upang masagot ang anumang mgakatanungan ninyo hinggil sa aming planong pangkalusugan opanggamot.  Upang makakuha ngtagasaling-wika, tawagan lamang kamisa 1-888- 494-TROY (8769) (TTY: 711).  Maaarikayong tulungan ng isang nakakapagsalita ng Tagalog.  Ito ay libreng serbisyo.

French: Nous proposons des services gratuitsd’interprétation pour répondre à toutes vos questionsrelatives à notre régime de santé ou d’assurance-médicaments. Pour accéder auservice d’interprétation, il vous suffit de nous appeler au 1-888-494-TROY (8769)(TTY: 711). Un interlocuteur parlantFrançais pourra vous aider. Ce service est gratuit.

Vietnamese:Chúng tôi có dịch vụ thông dịch miễn phí để trả lời các câu hỏi về chương sức khỏe và chương trình thuốcmen. Nếu quí vị cần thông dịch viên xin gọi 1-888-494-TROY (8769) (TTY: 711) sẽ cónhân viên nói tiếng Việt giúp đỡ quí vị. Đây là dịch vụ miễn phí .

German: Unser kostenloserDolmetscherservice beantwortet Ihren Fragen zuunserem Gesundheits- und Arzneimittelplan.Unsere Dolmetscher erreichen Sie unter1-888-494-TROY (8769) (TTY:711). Man wird Ihnen dort aufDeutsch weiterhelfen. Dieser Service ist kostenlos.

Korean: 당사는의료 보험 또는약품 보험에 관한 질문에 답해드리고자 무료 통역 서비스를 제공하고 있 습니다. 통역 서비스를 이용하려면 전화 1-888-494-TROY (8769) (TTY: 711) 번으로 문의해 주십시오. 한국 어를 하는 담당자가 도와 드릴 것입니다.이 서비스는 무료로 운영됩니다


Russian: Если у вас возникнут вопросыотносительно страхового или медикаментного плана, вы можете воспользоватьсянашими бесплатными услугами переводчиков. Чтобы воспользоваться услугамипереводчика, позвоните нам по телефону1-888-494-TROY (8769) (TTY: 711). Вам окажет помощь сотрудник, который говорит по-pусски. Данная услуга бесплатная.

Italian:  È disponibileun servizio di interpretariato gratuito per rispondere a eventualidomande sul nostro piano sanitario e farmaceutico. Per un interprete, contattare il numero 1-888-494-TROY(8769) (TTY: 711). Un nostro incaricato che parla Italianovifornirà l'assistenza necessaria. È un servizio gratuito.

Portuguese:  Dispomosde serviços de interpretação gratuitos para responder a qualquerquestão que tenha acerca do nosso plano de saúde ou de medicação. Paraobter um intérprete, contacte-nos atravésdo número 1-888-494-TROY (8769) (TTY: 711).Irá encontrar alguémque fale o idioma Portuguêspara o ajudar. Este serviço é gratuito.

French Creole:  Nou genyen sèvis entèprèt gratis pou reponntout kesyon ou ta genyen konsènan plan medikal oswa dwòg nou an. Pou jwenn yonentèprèt, jis rele nou nan 1-888-494-TROY(8769) (TTY: 711). Yon moun ki pale Kreyòl kapab ede w. Sa a se yon sèvis ki gratis.

Polish:  Umożliwiamy bezpłatneskorzystanie z usług tłumaczaustnego, który pomoże w uzyskaniuodpowiedzi na temat planu zdrowotnegolub dawkowania leków. Aby skorzystać z pomocy tłumacza znającego język polski,należy zadzwonić pod numer 1- 888-494-TROY (8769) (TTY: 711). Ta usługa jest bezpłatna.

Japanese:  当社の健康 健康保険と薬品 処方薬プランに関するご質問にお答えするために、無料の通訳サービスがありますございます。通訳をご用命になるには、1-888-494-TROY(8769) (TTY:

711) にお電話ください。日本語を話す人者 が支援いた します。これは無料のサービスです。

Documents and Forms

Want to sign up for a plan? Need to share your health information with a loved one? We've got forms for all that and more.

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